Brewing For A Cause is open to all homebrewers and is a fun, homebrewer-centric event that benefits local charities.
There will be a keg share and small awards presentation for all attending brewers following the event. Awards include a VIP-favorite beer and the Golden Spigot award, which is given to the beer & brewer receiving the most votes from attendees. (https://brewers.brewingupacure.org)
TRUB members who are current with their annual membership dues can sign up to pour now by registering at this link.
Non-TRUB members can sign up at a later date using the same process. We ask that you either join TRUB by paying the $20 dues, or you can make a $20 donation. Please pay the $20 to the TRUB Treasurer (Mike Marks) via Venmo (@Michael-Marks-150). Brewers can pour individually or in groups. Homebrew Club Boxes are welcome.